It takes ten years for full development of visual acuity in children – for some children it can even take 12 years. Although newborns still see blurred, they can perceive light-dark contrasts.

Around four percent of all newborn children have strabism (squint). In more than a half, the misalignment of the eyes can be corrected with appropriate glasses. The other half requires strabismus treatment, sometimes surgery, which can be done at any age.


Children’s Eyes & Mutter-Kind-Pass examinations

In order to be able to detect eye diseases (congenital cataract, eye tumors in children), strabism (squinting) or myopia and short-hyperopia early enough, two ‘Mutter-Kind-Pass (MKP)-Untersuchungen’ (mother-child passport examinations) are planned for small children:

  • 1st ‘Mutter-Kind-Pass-Untersuchung’ in the 1st year of life (10-14 months)
  • 2nd ‘Mutter-Kind-Pass-Untersuchung’ in the 2nd year of life (22-26 months)
  • From the age of 3 you should let check-up your child eyes every two years.

Early diagnosis and treatment of visual disorders in children can prevent lifelong visual impairment!

Schulisches Lernen findet zu 80 % über den Sehsinn statt. Wer schlecht sieht, hat auch Probleme beim Lesen und Schreiben. Achten Sie daher auf frühe
Auffälligkeiten und lassen Sie die Augen Ihres Kindes regelmäßig – besonders aber vor Schuleintritt – von Ihrer Augenärztin oder Ihrem Augenarzt untersuchen. Damit können Sie Ihrem Kind nachhaltig helfen und zu einem schulischen Erfolg beitragen.

The unrestricted use of smartphones and excessive gaming on the computer can lead to myopia progression followed by retinal problems in adulthood. Children’s eyes can still grow and change. Therefore, pay attention on regular breaks while using smartphones and computers. The best way to reduce the risk of myopia is to spend at least two hours a day outdoors in natural daylight.

Important Information

For children, pupil dilation with eye drops must be carried out to determine correctly possible glasses and a check of the retina. Please plan a total treatment time of around 50 minutes for the examination of your child. Your child will then have dilated pupils for the rest of the day, which means he or she will see blurry and be more sensitive to light. You might bring sunglasses or a cap for your child on sunny days.
TIP: Consider taking a familiar cuddly toy with you – it might be happy to have its eyes examined too
Sehstärken- & Brillenbestimmung

Visual Acuity and Refraction

Spaltlampen Untersuchung

Slitlamp Examination


Eye Pressure Measurement (Glaucoma Screening)

Augenhintergrund Untersuchung

Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Spezial Untersuchungen

Special Diagnostics

Kinder & Mutter-Kind Pass

Children’s Eyes & Mutter-Kind-Pass examinations

Myopie bei Kindern

Myopia in Children