The visual acuity of each eye is subjectively checked during the eye test using visual acuity charts with letters, numbers or symbols in different sizes.

In order to determine the glasses precisely, the refractive power of the eyes is first determined using computer-aided measuring methods. This can be used to detect myopia and hyperopia, as well as astigmatism. The individual prescription of your glasses is carried out with fitting glasses.


Depending on your personal needs, you decide together with your ophthalmologist which visual aid is best for you: distance, reading or computer glasses; progressive glasses or contact lenses.

Sehstärken- & Brillenbestimmung

Visual Acuity and Refraction

Spaltlampen Untersuchung

Slitlamp Examination


Eye Pressure Measurement (Glaucoma Screening)

Augenhintergrund Untersuchung

Eye Fundus Examination (Funduscopy)

Spezial Untersuchungen

Special Diagnostics

Kinder & Mutter-Kind Pass

Children’s Eyes & Mutter-Kind-Pass examinations

Myopie bei Kindern

Myopia in Children